

E neste Natal, entre exames e prendas, a melhor maneira de descomprimir um bocado é...DINOSAURS! Série adorada na infância [quem diria], ando agora a redescobri-la. Engraçado ver que como em tantas outras séries, filmes pra chabalada, ou afins, se fazem críticas bastante adultas. E para quem for um Dino-freak como este caro blogger (que é como quem diz...ninguém), tentem adivinhar as espécies!


"- And I am the Mighty Megalosaurus! The King of the Dinosaurs! The Thunder Lizard! And if the Thunder Lizard wants a 90'' television set, he's gonna get a 90'' television set so what do you have to say about that?

- The Tyrannosaurus is King of the Dinosaurs.

- That's debatable.

- No, it's not. I dated one in high school."

E já agora, um Bom Natal e Feliz Ano Novo.


Look up

Through the trees to feel as small as you can

You hear the clocks

Counting down

The nights are longer now than ever before

But now you see

The lights from the town
Editors - Escape the Nest


a propósito da AGNU

AGNU FDUP - Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas na Faculdade de Direito da Universidade do Porto

Obviamente que este humilde blogger não podia deixar de passar sem ir em representação de...Tonga. Um país peculiar. Reis que se deixam burlar por bobos (e lá voam 20 milhões de dólares dos cofres da nação) e vendem passaportes nacionais, num país em que a taxa de literacia ronda os 99%. Das 169 ilhas de Tonga, apenas 36 são habitadas, e 70% dos 102.000 Tongaleses habitam na ilha da capital, Tongatapu. Em 2006, a situação instável do país culminou numa semana de protestos violentos que reduziram a capital, Nuku'alofa, a escombros.

E além disto tudo, um paraíso turístico, veja-se qualquer imagem do país, que a net lenta deste pc não permite fazer.

E um pedacito de cultura, nunca tinha ouvido falar de um ânus mitológico até me interessar por Tonga:

"It is told in that some naughty 'aitu (espíritos) from Sāmoa one night wanted to steal the mountain of Niuafo'ou to bring it to Sāmoa. It started off well for them, they got the mountain, leaving Niuafo'ou behind with a big lake in its centre, and were dragging it through the sea, already halfway near Niuatoputapu. They had to hurry because 'aitu law prescribed that they had to complete the work before sunrise.
But the fish god Seketo'a
saw them and did not like it. He ordered his matāpule (spokesmen) to cry as roosters, in the hope that the 'aitu would think that dawn was close and they could as well give up. But it did not work, the 'aitu were not ready yet to give up and only pulled harder. Then Seketo'a himself acted. He swam in front of the ghosts, showing them his anus, which was red. The ghosts were frightened. They thought they saw the red sun rising and that it was already morning. They dropped the mountain and fled to Sāmoa. That is the reason that Tafahi is now where it is." - retirado da boa velha Wikipédia